Welcome to the Laboratory for Safe, Secure, and Smart Cyber-Physical Systems!

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Supported by the Thrust of Artificial Intelligence at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou), the vision of the laboratory is to construct modern Cyber-Physical Systems that are safe, secure, and smart by developing and integrating theories from fields including artificial intelligence, control, robotics, formal methods, data science, and communication science in practice. The research directions of the laboratory include (but are not limited to):

  1. Designing secure-by-construction sandbox mechanisms for AI-based controllers.

  2. Synthesis of computation-aware and hardware-aware controllers.

  3. Formal verification of deep neural networks.

  4. Online safe reinforcement learning under run-time assurance architectures.

  5. Intelligent systems such as autonomous UAV and unmanned vessels.

Several Ph.D. and Postdoc positions in our lab are avaialble from Fall 2025. Please check here for details.

Principle Investigator

Bingzhuo Zhong

Bingzhuo Zhong, Dr. rer. nat. (钟秉灼)

Assistant Professor at the Thrust of Artificial Intelligence, Information Hub, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Office: W4(C8) L3 305

Email: bingzhuoz(at)hkust-gz(dot)edu(dot)cn

since July 2022.