Research Projects

Safe-sec-visor Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems
Make AI trustworthy in CPS through sandboxing
In this project, we propose a Safe-sec-visor Architecture for sandboxing arbitary types of unverified controllers (e.g., AI-based controllers) to provide a system-level safety and security guarantees for Cyber-Physical Systems.

Secure-by-construction Controller Synthesis
Constructing safe and secure Cyber-Physical Systems
In this project, we focus on provably-correct synthesis scheme for building controllers that ensure safety and security properties over Cyber-Physical Systems simultaneously.

Model-based Controller Synthesis
Towards correct-by-construction embedded controllers
In this project, we investigate both abstraction-based and abstraction-free approaches for synthesizing correct-by-construction controllers against high-level logical properties, such as \(\omega\)-regular properties, over systems with continuous state and input sets.

Data-driven Controller Synthesis
Achieve formal safety guarantees from data
In this project, we investigate how to synthesize correct-by-construction controllers directly based on data collected from the black-box systems with continuous state and input sets.